December 24th
I know, I know, God is hope. What does that actually mean? What is it people mean when they say it? How does that answer fit what we mean when we say, what is hope?

December 22nd
Bearing hope to me, in the making it in other’s kitchen’s, though I don’t have my own, and bearing hope - I hope - to others in it tasting - I think - as good as it looks.

December 21st
I got increasingly covered in mud, and raised my voice in a descant I haven’t sung for years. It was an unexpected gift, the other side of the coin.

December 20th
The ways we take hope away from the world. I don’t want this to be my story but I can’t ignore the ways in which it is.

December 17th
Christingles haven’t changed much since I was a child, a teenager, a zealous younger me. Just a little bit more health and safety. Not too much though, since you’re still encourages to put multiple sharp objects in your mouth.